We Desperately Need Your Help

We've taken in lots of huskies and need your financial support to keep operating.

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Fundraising to Help SHRNM Huskies!

SHRNM has never had more huskies in our organization and so many others in need. We are fighting every day to save, rehome, and place huskies across the state. Our operating expenses have continued to increase and as non-paid volunteers, we often use our own money to help the dogs. All funds go to purchasing dog food, medical and veterinary care, purchasing treats, and items to make their lives great until finding their forever home.

Here is Scout's recent story: Hi, I’m Scout. I’m 7 years old and came to the rescue after being removed from a travel trailer overcrowded with animals. They called it a hoarding situation. I couldn’t go outside because there were big dogs in the yard that might have hurt me. The worst part was the smell—the scent of 30 of us, cats and dogs, crammed into a tiny space. There were pee pads everywhere, and no place to escape the chaos or the stench. I never had a quiet place to rest; it was just too overwhelming.

When I arrived at the rescue last year, I was terrified. But the people there were so kind. They gave me my own crate with a soft, clean blanket. I get fed everyday. They helped me explore the outdoors, encouraging me to take my time and letting me retreat to my crate when I got scared. They showed me I was safe. I even learned how to go for walks, and it was incredible. With the love and support of my foster family, I’ve become so much braver. Last month, I even jumped up on the couch and took a long, peaceful nap. Thank you SHRNM for saving me!